So I may have become a little obsessed with Stephanie Fay. She's a San Diego based wedding photographer who was behind the camera for the photos a few posts down..
See it's strange.. I am not one to enjoy reading about people I will never meet, or following famous people. Or really following anyone except my nearest and dearest, for that matter.
But the mix of Stephanie's incredible photography skills, the fact that she has the job I could only dream of, her views on life and God, that she too is currently planning her wedding, the striking photos she manages to have taken of her, and that her and her fiance are beautiful.. all thrown together brings me to find her blog captivating! It is the sort of situation that if I didn't generally despise the idea of 'Twittering' (following someones every move and thought) so much, I would consider following her. Now that is extreme..
On a similar note, I cannot help but feel slightly envious when I read wedding blogs set in America. I know I am generalizing.. but from everything I have seen, they just do things so freaking well! Massive wedding showers.. always a rehearsal dinner with a theme, catering and a wonderful, specially purchased dress.. impeccable weddings with detail galore, and photographers/videographers who capture the day with perfection. Is it that they have a massive budget? Or do American's just have a culture of doing things well? Or is it simply that only the big and bold weddings feature on webpages so it's easy to think they're all insanely awesome? Perhaps we can blame the fact that they have access to wayyy more services than we do here in little NZ..
As much as I would adore a wedding with even half as much detail as some, or style even half as awesome as people like Stephanie, or photography skills that could actually be considered skills... I really can't complain with what I have, and who I am. This wedding planning has caused me to become to selfish, so 'wanting', so inward focused. In the end, I don't want my wedding to be any bigger or bolder than it is going to be. It is one day. It is a special day. But at the end of it, I want to come away with a couple of nice memories, and a tall, blue-eyed, handsome man for a husband.
"Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things..." Col. 3v2
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